

The war between Russia and Ukraine is now in its third year, and new technological advances continue to shape and reshape the battlefields. As such both drones and unmanned ground vehicles (UGV’s) need to be manufactured, developed and continuously adjusted to support the combat missions of the Ukrainian military.


Disarmament Solutions in Combination with Stridar is launching a campaign to supply the Ukrainian army with the MinO robotic solution. This robot is already deployed with brigades and other military units on the frontlines, used in both demining operations, operating at the zero line and supporting in recon and QRF operations. The robots are designed to support combat operations - and not used for “the day after” when the war has passed.


STRIDAR solutions are cost effective, reliable, and importantly tested for work in Ukraine. The robot can be outfitted for the current mission, and uses different combinations of communication for effective operation.

All donors recieve a personal donation certificate from the Embassy of Ukraine in the Kingdom of Sweden (unless anonymity is requested).

For FAQs and more information about this crucial technology, please visit STRIDAR's website here.